Friday, March 20, 2009

Snow, Spring, and other thoughts

Ah, last week end I had the best time. I went through the Seattle temple as Allicia's escort. I was so happy as I waited for her to finish and come to me in the celestial room. What joy I felt.

I got to see Katie, Josh and the kids. Two grandsons stayed with me Saturday night. Trying to sleep with them was kind of like spending the night wrestling a couple alligators. I sure miss my grandkids. Sunday, I went to church with Josh and the kids in my previous ward. It was so wonderful to see so many friends. More joy.

I drove into a blizzard on the way home Sunday afternoon. Chains were required so I spent some 45 minutes putting chains the blowing snow, in the cold, in the wind. I was frozen, wet, and very very frustrated at how hard it was to put on my Les Schwab "easy on" chains. KIRO channel 7 TV was up there interviewing motorists at the chain-on area. So I had me a little temper tantrum on TV. And they ran it. I must say, no one could have mistaken my feelings at that moment. Rob taped it for me. Thankfully the two guys they interviewed after me said esentially the same thing I did--without the hissy fit.

Dad is doing well. He is tired of being housebound. He's gone with Rob this week end. He and I are heading for Tri Cities next week end. Then he's going to Klamath Falls with Deb and the kids to see Jeff the following week. He's talking about heading for Montana in May for some fishing with friends who live there. Maybe if he runs fast enough, lonely won't catch him.

I am happy to be home today. There are things I need to do in town, but I'm thinking not today. Today is the first day of spring and I'm planning my garden even though I probably won't plant anything for another few weeks. I'm doing laundry, dishes, and may get to other chores as well. Thinking about getting my clothes line out of the basement. I'll have to have Rob move the wood bins. Soon. Very soon.

It's a good day to listen to music, move slowly, day dream a bit, and enjoy the sunshine. Life is good here in paradise.

Friday, March 13, 2009

on the road again

I have been in a blue funk all week. Last week while the guys were gone, I was over at Dad's organizing some paperwork. Carmen had some beautiful CDs and a little radio/CD player. I wandered around the house looking for it...I finally found it when I was almost done hidden under a bunch of papers on the desk. But while I was looking, I wandered into Dad & Carmen's bedroom. There was her bathrobe, hanging on the door. I looked around the room and she was everywhere. On every surface, her beautiful treasures. I didn't look, but I'm sure the closet and dressers are full of her clothes. I was overwhelmed with the knowledge that she is gone. I can only guess why Dad doesn't change anything, perhaps it is comforting to him. I'm not asking him right now if I can help. I don't really know if I would be of much help right now anyway. So if you're wondering why I have been silent the past week, the answer is sadness.

Having said that, I'm heading to Seattle this week end to visit kids and grandkids. Allicia is going to the temple tomorrow and I'm going to be her escort. What an honor.

My arms ache to hold a child, so I'll overdose on little ones this week end. I hope to visit my daughters, maybe go to church with Josh and the kids. It will be a good week end.

Life goes on. Moving, traveling, mourning, healing.... A time and a season for everything. Right now is the time for me to pack my car.

Thanks for listening.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Praise The Lord For Studs

It started snowing this afternoon. Snowed harder during yoga. Was a blizzard when I was driving home. But coming up the hill wasn't a problem with my studded tires. Got me home in good shape. I'm not too worried about getting to work tomorrow. The snow plow/sander comes by here in the morning to clear the road for the school bus. And I do have my studded tires.

I keep waiting for spring. It keeps not coming. I know we need the snow and all, but holy smokes, how about some spring here. Isn't it time to plant peas or something? I'm just sure it is.


Very soon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

good times

I had the opportunity to go on a road trip Friday and Saturday. Dad and I went to see family a couple hours away,visit, stayed over night, had a big family dinner and breakfast, and a little birthday party for my grandson. It was a GREAT weekend. How blessed I am to have so many people to love. Dad drove most of the way home because he wanted to see if he could do it. He's planning a fishing trip to Montana in May. He'll drive. Probably by himself. I worry about him but I'm also celebrating his recovery. Some say it is a temporary reprieve from a progressive, terminal illness. I don't think so anymore. The tumors are shrinking. Some are gone. Even his blunt oncologist expressed optimism at his last appointment. Time will tell.

Church was a spiritual feast yesterday. And this evening I attended family home evening with a few of my single friends. What joy to share a meal, visit, and learn from each other. Topics ranged from eternal marriage, to the importance of food storage, to missionary work, to the economy, to unidentified flying objects, and back to family. It is so nice to laugh with friends.

Tomorrow is yoga, an activity I'm enjoying immensely. My yoga buddy, Shari, and I encourage each other, laugh at some of the positions we get into, and feel great when we leave.

My blessing cup is running over.