Thursday, April 23, 2009

ok now what?

Last night Allicia said start my computer in safe mode and told me how to do it and it started! Then she told me, over the phone, how to reset the date for before my computer didn't feel good and I did that. Then after I restarted it, it didn't work again. But the good news is that if it restarted once, maybe its just got indigesgion and if I take it to a computer doctor then maybe they can make it all better and work again. So that's the plan. Until then, I have to beg computer use from others. It's very quiet at my house.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

blue screen of death

Well, two days ago, my computer failed me. I got the blue screen of death and haven't been able to get it to come on since then. I'm hoping it will magically heal itself, but so far, no such luck.

I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dreams do come true

watch this

Susan Boyle, you go girl!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It is Easter morning and I'm going to be late for church if I don't get going. This morning when the sun was coming up I got a bit nostalgic about past Easters when the kids woke up early to find the eggs the Easter Bunny hid even earlier. New Easter outfits. Family dinner. Lots of little ones running around. Spring's promise sealed with baby green leaves on the trees and daffodils. Deviled eggs--lots of deviled eggs, and egg salad sandwiches, and dry mouth from eating hard boiled eggs. When there's a pot load of kids, there's a lot of hard boiled eggs. Yellow peeps. Chocolate bunnies. Black jelly beans (Big Grandma's favorite--I like 'em too). Chocolate malted milk eggs. And after the Easter egg hunt and hard boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, the mad rush to get everyone ready for church. And celebrating the hope of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior. The gospel of Jesus Christ has brought so much light into my life and I honestly don't know where I would be in this world without it. I am so thankful for the many promises of Easter, for the possibilities. Each day is a new day with a new opportunities. I miss my children and grandchildren. I'll be heading over to have family dinner with Rob and Shari and Dad. Quiet compared to past Easters, but full of love and good food. For this beautiful day, for my Savior and Redeemer, for my family, for my friends, my gratitude cup is running over. My life is full of love and hope. It is a good day.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Ok, so it's finally feeling like spring here in paradise. I'm really liking that even though I had a fire in the fireplace last night, the sprouts loved the fire thing, little arsonists in the making perhaps. And it got cold in here tonight so the fire is crackling away again. But I don't care because the last couple days have been lovely and the sun was shining and I got to take a walk with the sprouts and work in the garden and enjoy my beautiful view of the valley, so how does it get better than this?

My sprouts came for spring break and we went to Leavenworth for the day yesterday. It was a beautiful day as opposed to the blizzard, cold, snowy days April 1 and 2. We decided to forget buying a main dish, ate our carrots, cheese sticks, and pretzels, and opted for buying ice cream, because everyone knows the importance of ice cream when you're out on the town. It was an eight wipes dessert. Yum.

And today, the sprouts and I wandered through the orchard in my back yard, and guess what? The cherries are budding. This means it is really really spring and hopefully won't snow again till winter sneaks in through autumn and hits us with its best shot.

So I celebrated by enlisting the sprouts' help in cleaning up my little garden spot, digging in the dirt (Bug loved that part) and after they headed over the mountain, I PLANTED PEAS! I am so happy tonight here in Paradise.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Oh man. I got my studded tires off yesterday, picked the car up on the way home and then drove home in a snow storm. Welcome spring. There's snow on the car window and ground, fog hugging the valley, and no sun sitting on the eastward mountains. I'm trying not to be depressed but come on, I bought flower seeds yesterday...not yet, I guess. On Monday, I picked out clothes for the week, but today, I'm going hunting for pants instead of a skirt. I just don't want the icy cold sneaking up my skirt and frosting my cheeks.

It's hurry up and wait for spring.

OK. I'm waiting.