Friday, May 29, 2009

It's a beautiful day

I made it through the heart cath ok. One of my bypass grafts has failed, but Dr. Heart said the flow through the vessel remaining is good. Otherwise, he said, I'm in great shape for the shape I'm in. I'm on restricted duty today--can't sit too long, lift over 10 pounds, must lay down and rest, blah blah blah. I'm itching to get outside and plant something. Anything. The wise woman inside me says "Ah, No." She's such a drag.

Other than that, summer is here. It may be 100 out today. And tomorrow. Sunscreen time.

My blessing cup is full and running over. Thank you all for your prayers and calls.

I love you.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Starting again again

Last night after work I went to get my hair trimmed and decided I needed something different. Oh, my. I haven't had my hair this short since I was what, two. Whaddaya think?

I went to see a cardiac PA (my cardiologist left town) last week. Joel. I was concerned, but this guy read my chart, listened to me, checked me out and agreed there might be a problem. He changed some meds to deal with my chemistry more aggressively. Hmmm. And he set me up for a cardiac catheterization. I've done the treadmill thing. I'm doing the diet thing -- pass the lettuce please. (OK, I'd rather have a bath in chocolate ice cream..Tillamook Mudslide to be precise), but other than that, I'm not doing too bad. I've been doing Yoga. And I live in paradise. But...

Today I go for a cardiac catheterization. I'm going to do something about my escalating chest pain before I go into crisis. What am I saying...this whole thing is causing me to rethink what's going on in my life all over again. I heard that we should never let a good crisis go to waste. I plan to put this one to work for me and focus...refocus, again.

I begin again, changing, forgetting, remembering what I'm supposed to be doing, and then getting busy and forgetting again. Last summer when I was trying to figure out how to improve my health. I prayed and the good Lord answered me "WALK." So I did walk for a while. I don't remember why, but I got busy with other things and didn't walk anymore. In prayer the other night I went to sleep praying about my health and woke up with the thought on my mind: "I told you to walk." So I have been walking.

I'll let you know how everything comes out. This cath thing is a same day procedure, and I should be home later this afternoon. Unless they have to put in a stent. There is one cardiac artery that hasn't been worked on. Joel said that is a possibility. Then I won't be home until tomorrow. Okie dokie.

This reminds me that I haven't been forthcoming with expressing my care for you--my children, family, and friends. Take care. I love you.

Monday, May 18, 2009


My computer magically started working again. One of my daughters bargained with the ghost that occasionally visits my house (used to live here, actually), and my computer started working again (of course there's more to this story and really we're not crazy and my ghost just wanted me to get more rest, I think, but it's ok because I promised her I would and how can you lie to a ghost when you never know when she will be watching you, right?) None of my clocks started working however. And they all weren't electric, 2 were battery operated so it wasn't a power surge that knocked everything out.


Spring has snuck up on me. The lilac bush in the corner of my yard is blooming and that wonderful purple smell just reaches out and grabs me every time I am anywhere near it. I was at Target last week and this rather large young woman squeezed her very ample bottom into a teeny tiny short very tight little skirt that left nothing to the imagination...and her high heels clicked along across the parking lot and men were literally stopping in their tracks and staring at her as she walked by. I don't think it was because they thought she was overwhelmingly attractive. There was rather a consensus of unbelief in their stares. My lilac bush is kind of like that young woman. Any time I get near the lilac bush, I am pulled toward it and I can't help but stare at it with my nose. I'm helplessly attracted to it. The large hussy in the corner of my yard.

I started my garden again. I planted peas several weeks ago, but alas, only four scrawny little pea plants came up (OK, you were right, it was too cold to plant peas, I admit it). So I transplanted them to a shady part of the garden and replanted another whole package of peas to go along with them and planted tomatoes where the peas were because that side of the porch gets more sun. So we'll see if I get peas. I also planted some zucchini. I have other things I want to plant as well, but have much work to do before I can put much more in the ground.

I'm so glad to be back.