Thursday, February 24, 2011

ok so my angel was working even when I wasn't listening

We have snow predicted for the next several days so I went out this morning to bring wood in so I wouldn't have to slog through the snow to get wood to stay warm, right?  Anyway, it's 5 a.m. (got an early morning bladder, what can I say) and I go out to the wood pile and get an armful full of wood, haul it upstairs, and head back down to the wood pile to get another load and I look down and see....what....what is that black shiny thing on the ground by that huge piece of wood?  I'm asking myself this.  It doesn't look like a bug.  Not moving or breathing.  Oh my gosh, it's my lost phone.  I had it in my shirt pocket and it must have fallen out the last time I hauled wood into the house.  And here it is!!  If I had waited until after work, it would have been covered with snow. Then it would have been spring before I recovered it and who knows what shape it would have been in or whether my pictures and my granddaughter's song would have survived.  So here I am, a grateful old lady.  But I went to WalMart and got a cheap go phone for $15 yesterday.  Let me tell you, it's got numbers on it, the ringer works, and you can pretty much talk to someone on it even though the sound quality really really really stinks.  But I was grateful for my little phone thingy but I'm even more grateful for my real phone.  Then, guess what?  Because I had my stupid little go phone thingy activated, my real phone didn't work any more.  Nothin.  Doesn't ring.  Can't talk on it.  Can't listen on it.  Might be able to dance a jig on it.  Unfortunately that might ruin its possibilities as a future phone.  Anyway, I brought it in the house, plugged it in and let it charge. On my lunch hour I took it to the place that can help it work and they put one card thingy into the other's brain thingy so I now have my real phone with my real numbers, my real pictures, my real granddaughter singing "in the leafy tree topths the birdths thing good morning."  Makes me smile just to think about it.  So now my heart is happy.  My angel of lost things has taken a much needed vacation.  And I know where my real phone is.  Life is good, I'm tired and ready for bed, and all is well in the universe.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stating the obvious. It's lost.

Oh my, I have been spinning and twisting and moving and grooving.  The latest is that I lost my cell phone.  ANOTHER ONE!!  I created a key place because I was always hunting for my keys. It's been a while since I lost my keys, which is good.  Except the one day when I started the car to warm it up and get the frost all off the windows and somehow locked it with my purse sitting in the front seat with the only spare key in it. (Thank you Rob, for helping me).  Needless to say that was an expensive, stupid, and time consuming mistake.  But I knew exactly where my keys were.  I need to have a cell phone place.  And I need to not put my cell phone in my bra.  It tends to fall out when I'm not paying attention and then it's gone and I look around and go "oh crap, you're kidding me, not again."  That's what happened to the first two.  The most recent one is somewhere here in my house I'm sure.  Lying dead in some secret spot waiting for me to find it.  So far, no luck.  The house is getting clean.  Even if I don't find it, I will have a bunch of matched socks and stacks of paper are being filed or burned and books are being put away and I'm killing the clothes monster pile in my bedroom that has somehow grown to gigantic proportions since I last tried to tame it.  You know, bad news/good news.

I have been working out (in my own old lady way, of course...which consists of jumping around in my living room with the extreme makeover for fat girls video, talking smack to exercise guy for not keeping his stupid hands to himself.  Other than that it's great fun).  So I'm feeling stronger in between the pain of sore muscles.  I'm optimistic.  I am talking to a lady at a salon next week about renting a room to do massage.  I don't know if I can do 5 massages a day 5 days a week.  Probably not.  But, I can work a day or two a week on my days off and see how it goes.  I have missed doing massage.  I feel stronger and ready to give it a try.

It snowed here Thursday and Friday, but today the snow all melted.  It is getting cold so I must think about going out and bringing in some firewood to get the evening fire started. 

I have been taking some fantastic nutritional products and now I'm sharing them.  I've lost weight and inches, which is nice, and I'm feeling good, which is even better. 

Over all, I'd rate life right now at a 7.5.  It would be close to a 9 if I knew where my stupid cell phone was.

There you go.  And here I go.  Peeking into secret spaces in my house whispering "cell phone, are you here?  Come out, come out wherever you are."  I have enlisted the help of my angel of lost things.  Even though I do not know where my cell phone is, she does.  So far, she's giving me the silent treatment.  Perhaps she's off helping someone else, I don't know.  I hope she shows up soon.  I'm having severe children withdrawal. 

How are you children?  I haven't forgotten you.  I'm here.  I miss you.

I love you.