Harvest was the worst ever. Not because there were no cherries or that the cherries were damaged by rain or hail. Because everyone had the best harvest ever. So by the time we began picking cherries, the packing houses were full and we had no where to send them. There was one estimate that 100 tons of cherries are falling off the trees right now. Just in our orchard. And there are dozens of other ranchers in the same situation. There was no where to sell them so there was no money to pick them so there will be no income from harvest this year. Instead of a 10 to 14 day harvest, ours lasted 4 days before the packing house closed us down. Will we even make enough to cover the expenses incurred for the picking we did? For the upkeep of the orchard? To cover the expenses of caring for the trees until next harvest, which we hope will be a great (financially speaking) year. We don't know yet.
It is blasted hot here, over 100 for the last week and predicted for the next week. Right now we really are in rancher's hell. More fruit than we've ever had. No way to get it off the trees and to the consumers.
Dad says: "Next year. Maybe next year."