Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I think winter is here

We've had snow, cold winds, rain, and frost in October. It may snow tomorrow night with rain predicted for the rest of the week. Yuk.

I've been staying at Dad's off and on for several weeks, since he fell. He seems quite tippy still and we want someone to be there to help him up if he falls again. Rob is there tonight, and Tooty and Oni are visiting, as well. I've been a bit under the weather today, but am feeling better even now. It is a difficult time right now. He has chemo again on Thursday. His beautiful white hair is almost gone now and he is so sad about that. We'll know if this new chemo is working when we get the numbers on Thursday. He is fighting the good fight, but it's taking a lot out of him. He needs a lot of rest these days. He is eating very well. I've been eating very well. He needs the weight. I, on the other hand, do not. But I will keep cooking for him in an attempt to fatten him up. Or at least keep him from fading away.

I have been alone here in my little farm house in paradise for almost two years, but that solitary life will end soon. Mom is coming to live with me. It is difficult for her to pack and move and downsize. It's a brave thing for her to do. I've been moving books into my room, trying to make space for her couch, book cases, and pretties. And TV. Wow. I'm going to have to watch myself with that. TV is such a time sucker. I haven't had a TV for some 5 years. I watch it at Dad's now, but when people talk about shows or commercials, I haven't got a clue what they are talking about.

In the positive column, work is going well, Mom is moving up here, I'm writing poetry again, and we'll be getting firewood next Saturday for the winter. Yes, many good things are happening.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

By Golly, It Was Good News

We spent half an hour or more speaking with Dad's oncologist. Four of his nine children showed up to share the moment with him, to support him. Even though the tumor marker numbers in his blood are going up, a problem, of course, the tumors have not changed. His brain is clear of malignancies. His esophagus, where this journey began, is clear...that tumor has disappeared. He will start a new chemo regime tomorrow. He's willing to give it a chance, and if it doesn't work, head for Arizona.

We can live with that. He can too. I'm hoping for a long, long time.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Winter? Heck No!

The trees are starting to change colors for the autumn ball they all attend before they go to sleep for the winter. There's snow on the mountains across the canyon, which means it will snow here soon. I tell myself I'm not sad to see summer fade. But I am sad. Change is an inherent part of being in this human existence, but I want more warmth before the cold comes and bites at my face and scratches my arms and freezes my toes.

Too bad. It is what it is.

Dad has his scan tomorrow and gets the results Tuesday. His tumor markers have been steadily going up the last few months and the chemo isn't doing any good anymore. After his fall last week, he seems frail and sad, but determined as he always is to get better. He is a man with a plan. Two weeks ago, he drove himself home from hunting camp in Montana. He wants to head back there for some fishing before the year is up. He's talking about heading to Arizona to get a second opinion from Mayo Clinic. Like I said, he's a man with a plan. He's my hero.

So I will close this afternoon and head over to his house for the night. Rob will be over in the morning to take him for his tests and I'll head to work. They are so compassionate at my job. I'm a very lucky lady.

I hope to happily report good findings from his tests here on Wednesday.

I'll keep you posted.