It has been an interesting week in paradise.
I got a part-time job, which is very good.
I’m an Interactive Television Operator.
Which means I run the board (cameras, microphones, internet or phone connections, etc.) so a teacher in class here or elsewhere can be seen in class at another location.
We have off-site campuses all over the state that classes are sent to.
I will work all day Monday and Tuesday (classes at
8 a.m.,
noon, and going to 8 or 9 p.m.) and Wednesday I’m done at 2.
So I’ll have time to do massages on Thursday and Friday.
Now I just have to find bodies to put on my table.
As I increase my network, and because I am now billing insurance, I should be okay.
I can see the Lord’s hand in my life—finally. I must confess I was feeling pretty picked on there for a while. I need the flexibility of this job because we just found out that Dad and Carmen both have cancer. Details are still sketchy, but it’s very scary. Just the word cancer is scary. Working this schedule, with the flexibility I have will give me time to help them. Do you see the tender mercies of the Lord in this situation as I do? I am here now, with a job that gives me flexibility, with skills to help, time to help, and a desire to help my parents. I worked with a breast cancer support group in my previous life, doing treatments aimed at pain management and mitigating the awful side-effects of nausea and fatigue during chemotherapy. Now here I am, with a steady job, with opportunities to network for enough massage clients so I can meet my financial obligations, and with time free so I can be a comfort to my parents. And there are so many of us, nine children in all, and cancer is a family disease…it impacts the whole family in so many ways. It is a blessing that we can all support each other. Others have time and skills in different directions and together we make up an entire support system for the folks and each other.
Dad has an optimistic outlook, always has…or else as a 80-year-old man he wouldn’t have planted 1000 new cherry trees. He’s incredible. And Carmen is more worried about him than about herself. What an example of pure love.
I have been on many journeys throughout my life. I expect this to be like most in the past…a challenge to body, mind, and spirit. During this journey into the unknown (isn’t every day a journey into the unknown? we just maintain the illusion that we have life under control), I know I must keep the Lord close, hold his very hand, in order to make it through in a way that will give me strength, to know that even when death knocks, and, that too is inevitable eventually for all of us, I have a loving Heavenly Father who led me to this place at this time so I could be part of the processes and challenges of life here in paradise.
How blessed I am.